It supports svg (or path), png, jpg or gif files and has three predefined types available circle, rectangle and bubble, labels can be shown as well. Example.
You could export the chart to SVG via Export: Wiring a tooltip to a static SVG is trickier, though.
Is there a way to dynamically build an SVG using sprites in amcharts 4? Example: screenhot There are 20 different types which are represented by colors.
I am trying is to make a clickable map of Germany displaying data. Just like this. Amchart provides Germany map. But it does not seem like the one above.
Welcome to our SVG map directory! Use the list below to select a map you need. All maps come in two level of details: High and Low. All maps are available ...
Map chart is a chart type used to display geographical maps. This tutorial walks through the basics of creating such charts. Map API · Map polygon series · Map point series · Map line series
JavaScript charts and maps data-viz libraries for web, dashboards, and applications. Fast and flexible. React/Angular compatible. Since 2006. Free SVG Maps · Creating Animations in Map... · Online Map Editor · Online Store